Community Agreements
Please fully read before signing up for a session.
These agreements are offered as a shared foundation, both to encourage reflection as you’re joining this community, and to continue to guide us back to our most curious, compassionate and wise selves. These are not rules, or held in a punitive, right/wrong framework.
To build a compassionate inclusive future, we each must commit to ongoing learning, and dismantle conditioned behavior that can cause harm. Many of us have limited experience in spaces of multiplicity— where diversity is truly celebrated, and historically marginalized people are centered.
The following agreements come out of my experiences in a range of community spaces— residential, short and long retreats, classes, workshops, teacher trainings, and other organizations. This includes experiences in predominantly white spaces, and affinity spaces such as BIPOC or LBGTQ+ only.
I am also accountable to these agreements, and welcome feedback from anyone engaging with my offerings. Feel free to email me with any questions:
Click the plus sign to read the description under each item.
Extend compassion to yourself and everyone in the space. If a conflict arises, please refrain from blaming or shaming, honoring our shared humanity. Turn towards the challenge with curiosity and call in the instructor for support.
Each person is responsible for their own choices and actions. If you have caused harm, whether intentional or unintentional you are responsible for the impact of your actions. Intentions matter, but they do not negate the impact.
Everything fellow participants share is private, not to be shared with anyone outside of the space. If you want to ask someone about something they shared, ask them for permission first.
Diversity of experience and perspective is a blessing, empowering us to move beyond individual limitations. Listen actively, release false binaries and open into complexity. Let’s actively co-create a judgement-free space.
Do not assume the race, class, gender, sexuality, or ability of anyone else. Each person has the option to share pronouns, and everyone is expected to respect pronouns. Do not inquire about someone's identity unless it is appropriate and relevant.
Listen to your body and intuition as you decide what practices to engage with and when to share. Do what is best for you, including refraining from a practice, not sharing, or leaving the space early.
Each person is entitled to their physical, emotional and energetic space.
Physical–Ask for consent before physical contact. Do not comment on other peoples' bodies or weight, even if you believe you are complimenting them.
Emotional–In group shares, do not share about a traumatic experience without offering a trigger warning and receiving consent. Consider whether it is appropriate to offer details about a traumatic experience, given that this is not psychotherapy.
Energetic–Care for your energy, and direct your intuition towards yourself. Do not engage in energy practices without consent; this includes reading others, and sending energy to someone.
Speak from your own experience, not for someone else or a group.
Creating community across divisions of race, gender, etc. requires us to consistently be aware of power dynamics, and how broader societal dynamics such as patriarchy and racism shape interactions in community spaces. Power operates in complex and subtle ways, be aware of when you're wielding it and how it is influencing the space for others.
Anyone who engages in this behavior will be promptly removed from the space. This includes misogyny, transphobia, racism, casteism, and all discriminatory behavior.