May 2024: Thawing freeze cycles

because oppressors want us collapsed and drained

Personalized Journey

Three 90-minute sessions for $500, virtual or in downtown Brooklyn

limited slots: 3 full price and 2 half price for QTPOC only

begin with free 15-minute consultation

Dedicated time to journey into your body’s complexity, rework patterns and open space for transformation. Each session will include practices for protection, energy clearing, expansion, and resourcing— essential components to shifting out of freeze cycles. After each session you’ll receive a write-up of three practices we worked with, to support your ongoing exploration.

As always, you choose what feels right for you. Fill out the form below and I’ll contact you to book a free 15-minute virtual consultation.

Heal and Build Power

First Fridays 7:30-8:30pm EST, virtual (next is May 3)

donations welcome, not required

registration required

A monthly gathering for activists to turn inward with curiosity, cultivating the freedom we want to build in the world in our own bodies. We’ll clear energy, realease emotional and creative blocks, cultivate nervous system ease and protect energy.

Breathwork, voice, visualizations and other embodiment practices, held by a monthly theme. Practices are always optional~ flow with your intuition.

Please read the Community Agreements, a shared foundation for reflection and to build a compassionate community space.

  • We'll briefly discuss protection responses and what a freeze response is, and how to recognize when you're experiencing this. Then we'll flow into a practice: protection visualization, expansive breath, optional voice/ movement for energy clearing, and resourcing with a water visualization. Close with time to check-in and ask questions. All practices are always optional, flow with your intuition.

POC Full Moon Circles

Full Moon Sundays 6-8pm @ The Floor, downtown Brooklyn (next is May 19th)

sliding scale $30-45, full and half-price scholarships

max 12 people for 6-ft distancing

Cozy and expansive, a gathering for your full complexity under the loving glow of the full moon.

Breathwork, journaling and community time. Other practices sprinkled in, as it fits with monthly themes. All practices are optional, please let your intuition flow and guide you.

For people who identify as POC (Black, Indigenous and/or Person of Color). Please read the Community Agreements, a shared foundation for reflection and to build a compassionate community space.

Starting in June, this gathering will move to Full moon Fridays 7-9pm, become a QTPOC space (closed space for LBGTQ+ people of color), and switch to fully donation based.

  • We'll check in, discuss protection responses and what a freeze response is, and how to recognize when you're experiencing this. Then we'll flow into a practice: protection visualization, expansive breath, optional voice/ movement for energy clearing, and resourcing with a water visualization. Time for journaling, the medicine of pen to paper. Close with time to check-in and ask questions. All practices are always optional, flow with your intuition.

  • The Floor is located at 310 Atlantic Ave, downtown Brooklyn, NYC with great subway access.

    Masks are required. When we are at our mats and 6 feet distanced, you are welcome to remove your mask. The studio has a private bathroom and changing room.

    The studio provides thick mats and blankets. There is a gender-neutral single person restrooms and changing room. The studio is accessible, however the bathroom does not have handrails and therefore is not ADA compliant.

    Thank you for keeping our community healthy and cultivating an accessible space.

  • Please give and receive generosity according to your means— an even exchange is $45, $30 is a reduced rate. Tips beyond $45 help offset reduced rates and scholarships. Full and half-price scholarships ($15 spot) available. Scholarships are first come first serve, please email me at

Ease is your birthright— Reclaim it.