Voice as a Liberatory Healing Force
This week’s newsletter comes to you two days early because SUMMER SOLSTICE approaches! The longest day of the year feels like pure Fire to me, and it just happens to be followed by the Capricorn full moon—corresponding to Earth. I didn’t know the location of the moon/ its elemental correspondence when I chose this month’s elements: FIRE and EARTH. The power of intuition 🥰 This world is bafflingly painful, disturbing and relentless— and yet connection is everywhere.
Our journey through voice starts with realigning for good reason-- anchoring into Earth energy offers a solid foundation, and when we are aligned our energy flows and FIRE can CLEAR AWAY all of the stagnant energy that needs to go-- so that we may embody new, free ways of being.
Liberatory work asks us to continually turn towards our bodies, as recipients of harm, objectification and extraction, as the home of our consciousness (whatever that is), our bodies as sacred vessels for the energy that flows through us, ancestral and divine. Our bodies as sites of liberation.
VOICE is a powerful healing and liberatory force, both voice as expression and physical voice. Vocal toning and making other sounds transforms energy in the body and can soothe the nervous system. Voice is how we call for help and call in connection. Voice and expression are key ways that we influence our world.
Voice is also a channel into our own truth and complexity. Voice resonates most deeply & has most power when we are aligned-- not just physically, but truly rooted into the Earth, released, connected and expansive. This deep self-connection also opens new avenues for connecting in community & truly building liberatory community--where we embrace one another's full complexity.
Oppressors rely on our unhealed trauma to drain us and keep us separated from ourselves and one another. This is CENTRAL to how movements in the Imperial Core are stunted/ shattered. May we use our privilege & power to the fullest extent-- strategically replenish & heal, so we may ACT with our full capacities and not continue to replicate harmful patterns in our movement spaces.