Return home to yourself

Healing to Build a Free World

Our liberation is intertwined.

Embodiment practices are central to building a world rooted in love— a world beyond the idea of power as extraction and domination. Instead, understanding that the greatest power is in our interconnection.

Enduring connection to our energetic and emotional bodies empowers us to build systems and institutions rooted in interconnection.

Resource internally and build community power for change.

  • Many of us have habits around disconnecting from intense sensations in our bodies. Emotions are not just in the head, they are experienced throughout the body– as muscle contractions, breath changes, temperature changes, and more. These protection states are meant to be short-term, however if they are activated dramatically and/or frequently, can become patterns in the body. This buildup of stress in the body can have a range of physical manifestations, such as chronic muscle tension/ pain, sleep disruptions, gut disturbance, jaw clenching/ grinding teeth, and more.

    Oppression operates on the body by taking advantage of these sustained protection states and building on our unhealed wounds. Sustained protection states drain energy and undermine our ability to take action against oppression.

    Learning how to steward our energy through decolonized nervous system care tools is essential to sustaining through anti-oppression work and ensuring we are not replicating the same harms in our relationships or organizations.

  • You always maintain the right to choose what you do. Especially in embodiment practices, please keep checking in with yourself and do whatever feels right for you, including leaving the space early.

    Boundaries are essential to a healthy environment. I will never touch you without asking for consent. For more details on how I hold space, please see the community agreements

  • Currently I am offering an in-person BIPOC Full Moon Circle in Brooklyn, NY, and plan to expand BIPOC-only virtual offerings in Summer of 2024

  • section in progress

  • in progress

Embodiment is connecting

Embodiment is connecting with the ever-changing feelings and energy in your body. The choice to return home to yourself, again and again.

Anchoring in our true selves resources us, and strengthens our voices and ability to take value-aligned action.

turn towards curiosity

Weave together modalities or deepen into one. Rooted in natural cycles, the moon, community, ancestral wisdom, and your intuition. Multi-faith spaces, welcoming your whole self & practice.

  • Man in push-up position looking forward to the right


    Pilates to build deep power, reawaken connection to your whole body and breath, realign posture and promote long-term health.

    Intuitive Movement to experience freedom in the body, express emotions and transform energy.

  • Meditation

    Breathwork to directly engage the autonomic nervous system, your energy regulator & where protection responses lie.

    Bodyscans to connect to the intricacies of your energetic body.

    Visualizations to explore imagination as a generative space, especially with body-based visualizations.

  • Voice

    Vocalizing to activate the vagus nerve (aka well-being nerve), soothe your system, clear energy, and calm physical effects of chronic stress.

    Community Time to share, feel seen and connected. Voice is a key way that we make our truth known, and transform our world.

  • Fascia Care

    Foam Rolling to clear stuck energy from deep in your tissues, promoting lasting realignment, and preventing injury.

    Self Massage & Stretching to clear tension, improve flexibility and deepen your connection to yourself and your body.

Virtual & In-person in NYC, Individual and Group

I offer in-person and virtual 1on1s (currently being reworked, calendar will re-open May 2024), NYC in-person BIPOC spaces and virtual group gatherings.

Spring 2024 Group Journeys

BIPOC Full Moon Circles, next is Sunday March 24th 6-8pm, in-person downtown Brooklyn

Strong Voice, Strong Movement, every First Friday, virtual gathering for activists to build our voices & care fo our energy, next is April 5th 7-8:30pm

  • "Accessing the innate wisdom of my body via breathwork sessions with Nidhi has opened up space in my body for pleasure and an expanded sense of trust-- sensations which can be challenging to reach for someone coping with chronic illness and pain, and for someone making big life transitions."

    Grace W.

  • "Nidhi created a warm, caring container...I especially appreciated how she was able to meet me in the moment - not just in this moment of my life but moment to moment during the session."

    Heddy N.

  • "Nidhi is an amazing breathwork facilitator. She has really held such sweet & present space for me. I love how she incorporates movement into the beginning. I felt held & encouraged to trust my own intuition & be present with with myself in such a beautiful way. "

    Caeleb G.

  • "What a beautiful, sacred, held space to bring us to a place of loving activity to heal our world and Palestine. Thank you for the encouragement and gentle kindness."


  • "Nidhi offers loving attention that is also deeply focused on transformation. In receiving breathwork with Nidhi, I feel subtle shifts as I am held and supported in a safe container to examine my experience and engage with my breath as a tool of alchemy. Nidhi provides a space that is both grounding and energizing, creating the space within me to release, transmute, connect, and become more of myself."

    Natasha J.

  • “Each time that I have breathed with Nidhi, there was so much intention and care in setting up the container for me. I really valued the different ways she helped ground the space through movement and breath. Each breathwork experience gave me more clarity and a sense of groundedness than before.”

    Alex S.

Curious Community

I dream of a world rooted in love. To build this, we must uproot oppression at every step—racism, transphobia, patriarchy, colonialism, ableism, all of it. The idea that we are separate from this Earth.

Oppression is rigid, and transforms when curiosity enters. When we turn towards curiosity, we open new channels for growth, individual and collective. To build liberation, curiosity must be at the center of how we relate to our bodies and one another.

All private and group sessions are held with the same community agreements, that I am also accountable to.

These agreements are offered as a shared foundation, both to encourage reflection as you’re joining this community, and to continue to guide us back to our most curious, compassionate and wise selves.

Pre-Recorded Practices

A gentle way to tip-toe into new practices— in the comfort of your own space.

Free & low-cost offerings, download and go.

Sacral Chakra Lunar Breath for Grounding and Rest (12 mins)

Free mp3 download. Connect deeply to your own body and energy, and to the moon. Connection is essential to feeling fulfilled and joyful & is where we feel most at ease, able to relax into rest.

Tune into the sacral chakra, clear energy with voice & breath, and connect deeply with breath and lunar visualization.

Morning Breath Voice and Intention Setting (11 mins)

Mp3 download. Clear away any lingering energy from your time asleep/ in the dream world with breath & voice, and then expand into the energy you want for your day.