Imagining Beyond Stuck, Frozen States
As the moon reappears in the sky and this new cycle begins, how do you feel?
As we dive further into this month’s theme, Thawing Freeze States, I am reminded that this protection state can truly feel ENDLESS. While on the one hand it feels like I am my most “realistic,” in reality, my view of the world is so constricted. My entire experience is collapsed; in this state I am generally drinking less water, breathing less, eating less, detached from my senses, sitting in slouched and rigid posture, and my creativity and imagination are miles if not realms away.
So much of healing is remembering past lives, sloughing off everything that burys and weighs down our innate, liberatory spirits. Our guiding cards for the month, The Fool and The Tower have some messages for us. From the Ancestral Healing Tarot Deck by Care.