Releasing to Expand into 2023
Good morning! Hope you’re faring well on this first quarter moon day, perhaps ready to expand into the coming new year?
The past month included a lot of quiet and solitude for me, which in theory could be peaceful. In reality, anything that needed attention came to the surface, full force. Facing my gnarly layers, I asked: What do I need to release, to make space for the 2023 I envision?
In numerology and the tarot, 2023 (2+2+3=7) corresponds to The Chariot. I think of this archetype as the motivation and energetic flow that emerges when we embrace our own decision making power.
The image above is from The Gentle Tarot, a deck inspired by the artist Mariza’s remote life in Alaska and indigenous spirituality. “[Success] follows trusting the precise moment for action… the [Kodiak] grizzly stands still in the water’s flow. Steadily, she waits to feel the push of water from the salmon swimming upstream.” In the card above you can see the reward of her patience and keen awareness.
I’ll say it again… In a world with endless noise and speed, there is incredible power in gathering energy, even for a few breaths.
Many of us know this, but still feel pushed to be in constant motion. I have a recurring stress dream where I show up at a final exam and realize I skipped class all semester, didn’t do the reading and am totally F*ed. When I awaken, it takes more than a moment to shake the feeling that I’m too far behind to ever catch up.
As I dug further into this I realized that I have felt behind for much of my life, and that I blame myself for failing at life. Ouch.
I want to expand into a year of trusting my energy, strategic stillness, and motivation rooted in love, not shame.
What do I need to release? A multitude of anger towards myself.
If this resonates, my heart extends to you, dear one. It’s a painful exhausting place, and can feel inescapable. Our world is harsh. We are enveloped by systems that say emotions and bodily needs undermine success, and without success a person is unworthy of love.
Being aware of self-hate was not enough for me; I’ve been aware of this internal pattern for at least a decade. Awareness by itself left me feeling helpless and defective. I needed to transform my energy.
Today I’ll offer a practice that has been very powerful for me. If you try this, I would love to hear any thoughts or questions.
Releasing Anger Towards Oneself & Replacing With Love
Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth.
Exhale vigorously, make sounds and imagine you are expelling the anger from your body, sending it down into the Earth or out into the Universe for transformation. Visualize the energy leaving, give it a color, texture, scent.
Remind yourself that this anger does not help, it only drains you. Allow emotions to release. Place your hands on your chest or belly for support, or anywhere you feel anger trapped. Move your body, shake it out, whatever feels supportive.
When you feel your energy shifting, begin the replacement, breathing gently in and out through the mouth
Place both hands on your low belly, a powerful energetic center corresponding to creativity, passion, and claiming your desires. Feel love for yourself building in this space. Give it a color.
Once you build love in your low belly, slowly expand it through your torso, legs, arms, and through your head. Feel your whole body pulsing with love towards yourself. Try saying out loud “I love you,” or singing a love song to yourself.
Acknowledge the courage it takes to try a new practice, your power in this moment, and the vast potential you hold.
Want to explore practices together? I am excited to share new, flexible offerings for 2023, plus a special discount to celebrate the new year. Buy a pack of 5 sessions for the price of 4, and use the code EXPAND2023 for an additional 23% off!