Tarot to Expand Curiosity Through Connection
How is your landing in Spring so far? Monday was the Spring Equinox, aka the official arrival of Spring, and you might be feeling the waxing crescent moon energy–new growth, full of potential.
Welcome to your third installment of this Spring bundle on Curiosity–all about Tarot as a vehicle for connection. Interconnection offers us steadiness and trust in this unpredictable world, and therefore is where curiosity flourishes.
Tarot is a powerful way for me to connect— to my inner world, broader energies around us, mystery, other artists and practitioners, archetypes and stories. Spiritual paths often include solitude, but this is not the same thing as loneliness. The difference is connection, knowing that we are inherently interconnected.
Today I’m going to keep it simple and offer you a spread for diving deeper into the card of your choice. Enjoy!
Starting card
Aspect of you that will support engaging with card 1
What you need to leave behind
Transformation that awaits
What spirit wants you to see from another perspective