The Power of Simplicity + My First Zine!

As the moon begins a new cycle, we also open a new chapter with this weekly offering.

This chapter is about respecting the power of less. Fewer words, less energy, a simple landing space that gathers links to offerings scattered across different spaces. As part of our summer theme, Voice of Fire, I’ve been reflecting on what my voice needs to truly flow: 1) containers for different types of expression, 2) to not leak off energy where my voice isn’t being heard. Eventually I imagine creating a substack for longer pieces, but for now—I made my first zine!!

The process was so generative—chatting to friends, learning, exploring, deciding on the type, figuring out the formatting. And then finally writing, printing and FOLDING, which may be my favorite part. Handing out the first physical batch today was so special. I grew up riveted by stories of British soldiers raiding my family’s home searching for a printing press. I feel my ancestors in each fold, my grandmother telling me at my lowest low “move your pen.”

Here is the first edition of my first zine! Print your own, or if you see me in real life I’ll have free copies. Here are folding instructions. Feel free to print extra & share 🥰

This month’s theme is IMAGINE; exploring visualizations alongside voice. Reclaiming imagination is essential to liberatory work; we are building a world beyond anything we know. Visualizations are incredibly powerful; your nervous system doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined stimuli, it just feels.  Check out this new free recording on Insight timer— protection visualization & calling in ancestral support.


Pilates as Energy Practice & Deep Reset


Self-Trust When Voice has Failed You