Nervous System Healing per Capitalism vs. Nature
When I first encountered nervous system tools, words like “regulation,” and “window of tolerance” turned my stomach. Approaching my body through the lens of protection responses and trauma had greatly expanded my healing, yet all of the available language felt pathologizing and flattening.
We typically categorize protection responses as hyper-active (fight, flight), hypo-active (freeze, fawn). It recently hit me: this framework of categorizing protection responses is all about quantity of energy output. What could be more capitalist?
The key question: is this being malfunctioning by outputting too much or too little energy? Too much— definitely a problem, that is unpredictable and volatile. Too little— might be fine, often easier to deal with as long as they are “functional.”
When I get caught in this binary of hyper vs hypo active energy, I can fall into a very narrow view, and default into trying to control my energy. This model is fundamentally isolating and disconnecting. There is no mention of the profound imbalance of our world, and daily trauma of existence for many. Simply an unstated assumption that you should be able to “regulate” regardless—a side of shame to go with the isolation.
Engaging with energy in the body is an ART and inherently liberatory. Our nervous systems are magical and constantly changing, and far beyond our current scientific understanding. There is no formula for nervous system regulation, and there will never be–each person's energetic landscape is unique and constantly changing. Engaging with the body's energy is inherently a process of reclaiming– releasing all of the extractive narratives that keep us caught in a prescribed "role" in our current systems, and expanding into true flow– a state of deep connection and surrender to our natural world.
It’s so exciting to start centering the spiritual arm and creativity of my work— I have been shy, leaning into the “science” to feel like I “know things,” getting caught in limiting frameworks, again and again forgetting the power of intuition. I wonder, how powerful could we be if we could truly remember?
The framework of the elements (Earth, water, fire, air) has offered me an anchoring space to explore my energy, free of binaries and judgment. My intuition has strengthened and with this, my ability to transform complex energy. This nature-rooted framework inherently connects to liberatory work for me— which is essentially about energetic health of our world and communities. Rooting into nature and remembering I am made of the elements helps me stay steady in my purpose.
Tarot has been an enduring mirror and source of guidance for me. Drawing cards, opening to mystery, and confronting whatever arises is a beautiful ritual of inquiry, turning me towards curiosity over fear. In the beginning I just suspended my doubt enough to try; over time I felt the impact of opening to the idea that maybe energy and connection are beyond anything we know. With every card I remembered connection– feeling the flow of the elements through the tarot, the creativity of each artist, and reminder that everything I am experiencing is always in connection.
I want to remember what vibrant connection truly feels like. Clear eyes, open heart, anchored and expansive, wild and uncontrollable; regulated is such a small silly word compared to what we could be.
So.. if you want to join this exploration, I’m testing new 1on1 offerings! I’m so honored to already have a few of you signed up. These are the lowest prices you will ever see for these offerings. The Elemental journey is roughly 25% off, and there is 1 slot left. Tarot readings are 50-60% off, and there are two slots. Feel free to forward this email as well (and thank you for sharing!)
1on1 Elemental Journey ($325)—15 minute virtual call + Four 60-min sessions (virtual/ in-person). Sessions must be completed by Nov 15
Creatively tend to your intuition, nervous system and body, held by the Elements (1 session focused on each)
Range of practices, you choose: pilates, voice, fascia care, visualizations, breathwork, somatics. All journeys will include basic info on nervous system care
Journey can focus on a particular concern (e.g. insomnia, gut disturbance, back pain, anxiety, grief)
Option to add a tarot reading, to guide the journey (+$40)
Tarot reading ($45)— 15 minute call, to discuss your area of inquiry. After we part ways I create the spread and reading, and you receive a written reading within one week, with a picture of the cards. 5-7 card original spread. Roughly 75 mins total time for me.
For a group vibe & strong healthy back, join us Fridays 10:30am-11:30am EST for Core Power & Flow, virtual, sliding scale $15-22, max 8 ppl.