The Elements as a Gateway to Intuition

As I envision new Fall offerings, I’ve been reflecting on what it means to reconnect to our intuition. That felt sense of knowing, rooted and connected— like the soul sighing.

I spent years living in rigid spiritual practice spaces where I was taught to defer to teachers over my own body. I left with chronic back and shoulder pain, gut and sleep issues, and my nervous system constantly flooded. After so much control I needed a lot of space for curiosity, to stop pathologizing myself and see that my pain was a natural response to deeply sick and violent world. Encountering the same abusive rigidity in supposed healing spaces was heartbreaking. I also needed ways to dive into my darkest corners while maintaining a sense of connection to greater purpose and nature

I love the elements (earth, water, fire, air) as a simple and expansive framework. Intuition needs to flow—to expand and contract, like the breath, the moon, all of our natural cycles. Sometimes intuition thrives in constraints, finding comfort in steady rhythms. Other days it needs S P A C E without expectations.

The elements flow through a range of spiritual systems and our day-to-day lives, naturally sparking connection. The chakras, energetic centers in the body according to yogic philosophy, offer a way of mapping the elements over the body & emotional energy. For example, the root chakra (base of the pelvis) corresponds to Earth, and our foundation and sense of protection and home— this is also an area where fear is often stored. Bringing Earth energy practices in is a great way to steady excess fear.

Alongside the elements, it feels natural to expand into tarot readings. The structure of the tarot is elemental, and tarot is a powerful way to connect— to your inner world, broader energies around us, mystery, other artists and practitioners, archetypes and stories. Healing paths often include solitude, but this is not the same thing as loneliness. The difference is connection, knowing that we are inherently interconnected, and at my lowest moments turning to the tarot has helped me shift out of isolation.

Remembering that we are fundamentally part of this world is essential to healing our relationships to ourselves and each other, and remaking our sick, extractive and abusive systems. Trusting intuitive messages is key to returning home to our bodies, and embarking on a new creative journey, building liberation together.

So…I’m testing new 1on1 offerings, which means you as my dear email list get first dibs on these deep discounts! The Elemental journey is roughly 25% off and tarot reading 50-60% off. Only three slots for each; if any are left Sunday evening I’ll post this offer to social media. Feel free to forward this email as well.

  • 1on1 Elemental Journey ($325)—15 minute virtual call + Four 60-min sessions (virtual/ in-person). Sessions must be completed by Nov 15

    • Creatively tend to your intuition, nervous system and body, held by the Elements (1 session focused on each)

    • Range of practices, you choose: pilates, voice, fascia care, visualizations, breathwork, somatics. All journeys will include basic info on nervous system care

    • Journey can focus on a particular concern (e.g. insomnia, gut disturbance, back pain, anxiety, grief)

    • Option to add a tarot reading, to guide the journey (+$40)

  • Tarot reading ($45)— 15 minute call, to discuss your area of inquiry. After we part ways I create the spread and reading, and you receive a written reading within one week, with a picture of the cards. 5-7 card original spread.

For a group vibe & strong healthy back, join us Saturdays 11am-noon EST for Pilates for Energy Flow, virtual, sliding scale $15-22, max 8 ppl.

~may we remember that we are always part of the fabric of this universe, fundamentally connected and fundamentally powerful


Nervous System Healing per Capitalism vs. Nature


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