Inspiration and guidance for your embodied journey to collective liberation

Transforming the Inner Critic
Rebuilding my relationship to my voice has been a layered path, rooted in my self-worth, and the value of my perspective.

Tarot to Expand Curiosity Through Connection
Tarot is a powerful way for me to connect— to my inner world, broader energies around us, mystery, other artists and practitioners, archetypes and stories. Interconnection offers us steadiness and trust in this unpredictable world, and therefore is where curiosity flourishes.

Claiming Curiosity to Build Power
Curiosity is extremely powerful, which is exactly why it is held as a privilege. A generative way of relating to the unknown, curiosity is the engine of all innovation— and has the power to disrupt existing power structures.

Cultivating Curiosity for New Growth
How do you relate to new growth? It can be an invigorating, vibrant space. It can also be messy, disorienting, undermining one's self-confidence and identity. Anything but controlled. However, power is very real. We absolutely have the ability to influence, shape, and guide ourselves and some of the forces around us.

Releasing to Expand into 2023
I want to expand into a year of trusting my energy, strategic stillness, and motivation rooted in love, not shame. What do I need to release, to expand into the 2023 I envision?

Balance Through Holiday Chaos
What does balanced energy feel like to you? This piece offers a simple overview of the nervous system & your protection responses, identifying imbalance, and a few tools with breath and voice.

The Transformative Power of Music
Music, as an expressive force, can drive powerful social transformation. This piece focuses on the power of music, and protest music that is fueling the current woman-led revolution in Iran.

A Volatile Mix of Fire and Air
An introduction to why pilates helps me stabilize my inner fire and air energies. Pilates is all about patient, deep transformation. Steadiness through seismic shifts.

Iran’s Revolution, Abortion and Community
Just like the hijab, the abortion battle has always been about controlling the body, and through this controlling society.

Singing, Voice and Embodiment
Exploring why engaging with my voice is the most enjoyable and comprehensive way for me to check in with my body.

Embody to Build Power
Embodiment practices such as breathwork and pilates are not only wellness or fitness– they build power.

My Breathwork Story
I tiptoed my way into breathwork, and for me this gradual build laid a strong foundation over the past three years.

Three Pillars of Transformative Rest
Rest is a shared basic need that we often treat as a luxury. Since rest is how we replenish energy, it is a way that power flows, and is inherently political. This piece breaks down how we can all cultivate transformative rest.

Rest to Embody Insights
A-ha! moments are great, but without integration, insights alone do not make for transformation. Embodying insights happens in the in-between spaces.

Five Key Embodiment Lessons
Thoughts on my journey of expanding ease by reconnecting to my body, and five key learnings along the way.

Breathwork to Recalibrate the Nervous System
Breathing consciously, aka breathwork, is an incredibly powerful tool for recalibrating the nervous system and opening up possibilities for new, supportive patterns to develop.
Choose your journey
There are a range of ways to engage— monthly newsletter, a weekly 30-minute breathwork group, group classes, and private sessions.